Ok, I found this really cool blog, it is artist Karin Jurick's blog. Every couple of weeks she posts a photo and for any artist who would like to join in - she challenges to paint or draw or etch it in their way. There are over a hundred active participants... some really great art!
The first photo below is for the current challenge photo. And then my intrepretation... I call it "All Stop" yes I saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday it may have had some influence on me! Well I do love Star Trek!!! And there is a close up too! :) Go to the
Different Strokes blog. I am going to submit to her, but she has asked us to hold on to them until next week... so stand by!!!

The Jazzed show went fairly well. I did get to spend some very fun time with some of my Swell Sisters! Always love that! I got to meet Alyson's mom... who's name is totally escaping me right now! She does read my blog so I am so sorry! I totally apologize, I'm having a senior moment. I know it will either come to me in the middle of the night, or as soon as Alyson tells me I'll be like I knew that. But it was really nice to meet you! I hope we get to spend some time together again soon. I did sell one painting the night of the reception, the one of Ron Carter. A BIG thank you to Lenny for being a faithfull fan!
Be well!!! Tj.