I'm feeling weird… out of sync… not useful… lack of direction… let me clear my throat to sing… Am I blue… am I blue… ain't these tears in my eyes telling you… Ok enough! At work I’m nearly board. There is just enough work to keep me busy, barely. That is going to change soon, we have a big project that will be coming in, I am not involved with right now. So for now… the work I'm doing lacks importance. Or most of it anyway. Just hang on till you can retire Tj!!! (Note to self)
I went on a retreat with my Swell Sisters over the weekend, and although it was great fun it lacked the magic of the first retreat and so that kind of bummed me out. Now don't misunderstand, I totally enjoyed the weekend, loved the time together, great company, loved the house, LOVED the location. But this time I did not come home jazzed and energized and ready to conquer the art world! Maybe it's me, but there was some drama this time, and the first time there was none, so that might have something to do with it. What do you expect when you get 13 women together in a house for the weekend? Really I totally missed most of it, I was outside painting. But I did hear about it and I'm sure it had some little affect on the chemistry for the weekend! But it was a totally fun time! We explored the coast, went shopping in the village, ate great food, they drank (I don't), played games, they drank some more, laughed a lot, sang karaoke! In fact… Petra and I scored a perfect 50,000 points on one song! We were rockin! But by that time, all of the others had left the room, taking some girly photos and getting in their suits for another round of Sister Soup in the hot tub! Petra took a photo of the screen so we have proof! It was a blast singing with her! We came home to horrible heat and bad air. Gotta love Sacramento in the summer… I guess.
I did get a couple of small paintings done on the retreat. Once I have photos, I'll share. I am in a show at VOX studios for August. It is a music show, and he liked my music pieces that I already have so I didn't really need to do any more, but I can't do that! I have 2 that I'm working on. One I started last week, and one I started last night. I know finish one already! See... I'm just waffling!
I do have another vacation coming up. A week long vacation with the family. That will be really nice. We rented a house on the Russian River, we'll be floating and swimming and just doin nothin. I always love our family vacations! Well that is it for today, I hope everyone is having a great day! Be well… Tj.