I wrote this last year and thought I would post it again, since I'm sharing her recipies I thought I'd share these memories also. More recipies tonight, for now this is dedicated to my mom, Rita. Miss you mom.
Memories of youth explode as visions of sugar and creamy butter this time of year
Mom's yearly ritual of creating sweet treats for all who crossed our porch
Caramel, divinity, fudge, marshmallow
The sound of scissors slicing waxed paper to small squares
Spooning golden gooey caramel hoping to hit the paper
Rolling and twisting attempting to trap the sweet surprises
The feeling in the spoon handle as it scrapes the metal bowl
Scooping pink, blue and white clouds of whipped mixture
Puffs of sweet corn syrup confections float through my thoughts
Pouring smooth creamy cocoa brown melted concoction from the pan
Hoping to level the luscious liquid on the plate with the old wooden spoon

The smell of chocolate fudge whirls through my memory, I still smell it now
Rolling the sticky white marshmallow in a messy mound of chopped walnuts
Fingers covered in nuts and candy
Mom’s smiling face smudged with who knows what
and her singing off key
The sights, sounds and smells of my mom’s kitchen rush back to me for the holidays
The kitchen table was the place to be. I miss that.
But mostly, I miss her.