Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
True life story number 1,589
This all started from a "joke" email I received in which had images from "our youth". One of the images was of Santa in a cigarette ad. So I thought, I wonder how many ads selling cigarettes for Christmas there were... I decided to do a Google search. I mean really, no wonder my parents generation were all smokers... and why so many of my generation got hooked too! Mom's and babies... TV stars... The Flintstones... Santa... and Doctors!! Geeze!!!! They make it look so fun and fabulous don't they? Be well... DON'T SMOKE! Tj.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Moonlight Retreat
What the heck is he running from? I am not sure really... what do you think? What ever it is, he is included in the show this month at VOX! Come out Second Saturday... I'll be offering Moonlight Retreat, acrylic on 12x24 gallery wrap canvas, some of my Pierced Girls, Cottages, and Flowers all starting at $20. All art offered by VOX artist members are under $100. VOX Sacramento is in a new location, in the ThinkHouse Collective at 1726 11th Street, Sacramento CA between R and S. Opening Reception on Second Saturday December 11th from 6 to 9pm, exhibit runs through December 31st!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
New Pierced Girls!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Trying something different!
My daughter and I were going to attend a stage version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween. And we thought, ok... it's Halloween and it is Rocky Horror, so we wanted to crazy it up! What are the wildest clothes we own? And what else do we need? Well Lindsey said, one of her favorite characters wears a top hat. And we saw these cute small witch hats, on a head band and it gave me an idea! Small top hats on headbands. I did some research, found some different ideas and off I ran! So here they are, made of recycled cereal boxes cut into shapes, covered in felt, a little glue, ribbon, tule, flowers, and glitz! They came out pretty cute and we had a blast wearing them! Oh and Rocky Horror live... was crrraaazzzyyy!!! Until next time... Tj.
Front, back and close up of Lindsey's red top hat and my black top hat:

Monday, November 1, 2010
Giants take it all!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Halloween!
My office is having a pumpkin carving contest today, my unit decided to do a SF Giants theme! I carved this pumpkin for us, I think it came out pretty good!!! I am going to celebrate Halloween by going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show live at a local theater with my daughter. I've never seen it live before, should be a hoot!!! Happy Haunting! Tj.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Just a few pics...
The last few weeks have flown by... I have been busy at my office, my "real" job, busy making day of the dead pins and art for the Altares Del Mundo show. My hubby and I took a week vacation and drove up to Seaside Oregon. Gosh I sure do love it up there! We had a great time, relaxed, walked, talked, looked at houses, walked, ate, soaked up some wonderful sun shine! And what blue sky they have up there! Not like here in Sac. Our sky is hum... kind of gray most of the time. Bla. I'll post some pics from vacation soon, but here are some pictures of my Altar for the Altares del mundo show! Be well... Tj.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Altares Del Mundo!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Altares Del Mundo sneak peek...
Just posting a few pics of some of the things I will be offering for sale at the Altares Del Mundo show that opens on October 9th 2010!
Several small altars:

Thursday, September 23, 2010
I've been so busy!
I have been busily working on the October show I'm participatin in, Altares De Mundo. It is going to be a really great show, some day of the dead altars and other altars of the world. I am looking forward to it! We lost our wonderful dog Chester this past spring so my altar is going to feature him. I tried something new! I created a sculpture from wire, newspaper and masking tape. I'll have to share it when I take a photo!
Anyway, this weekend is the KVIE Art Auction! KVIE is Sacramento's local Public Broadcasting station. I have one piece in the auction this year. The auction begins tomorrow night and runs all weekend! There is some amazing art being auctioned. My piece is number 5A and will be on the air between 10 and 10:30 pm tomorrow night!!! Not to be missed! Here is a link:
KVIE Art Auction 2010
Be well... Tj.
Anyway, this weekend is the KVIE Art Auction! KVIE is Sacramento's local Public Broadcasting station. I have one piece in the auction this year. The auction begins tomorrow night and runs all weekend! There is some amazing art being auctioned. My piece is number 5A and will be on the air between 10 and 10:30 pm tomorrow night!!! Not to be missed! Here is a link:
KVIE Art Auction 2010
Be well... Tj.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I celebrated the 25th anniversary of my 29th birthday. (ok you do the math!) Even though I had to work, it was a really wonderful day because of my family and friends! I have been showered with love... So nice! I love you all and am blessed to have you all in my life! I'd like to share a cup of coffee with you all... here you go a cup of love! Yum! Be well... Tj.
Monday, September 6, 2010
True life story #691

My hubby and I drove down to a really awesome cactus nursery today, it was amazing but that isn't the story. The drive takes us down hwy 99 and right by a local sky dive school. Just as we were getting close I spied a couple of divers coming in for a landing then a couple more and then... the sky was full of parachutes making a landing! It was amazing timing, zooming along the freeway, and be right there at that exact time! Yes! This is the kind of parachute... be well. Tj.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Art Bra Show!
I am very happy to say I finished my art bra!!! I found out about the show just last week, the deadline to turn in my piece is September first! I really wanted to participate so I came up with an idea and ran with it! My sunflowers are created around the cups of a bra. Petals, leaves and stems are a polyester fabric, stiffened by this product I used for the first time call Stiffy! I cut out the petals and flowers, soaked them in Stiffy and let them dry. A little paint on the bra to create the center of the flower, a little hot glue to attach the petals, stems and leaves and voila! The Art Bra 3 show benefits the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services and the Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation. A very worthy cause. Here is the poster for the show and my Sunflower Bra! He he he...
For more information go to the Art Bra Blog!
I'm also in 2 other benefit shows for September. Want to know more? Get it on my website ophelias-flowers.com

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